Senin, 24 September 2007


Jendral (Purn) Wiranto
“Saya turut bersyukur ada kader muda bangsa yang ikut menyumbang bagi peningkatan kualitas kepemimpinan”

Marwah Daud Ibrahim, P.hd (Leader of MHMMD Institute)
“Reza seorang pembicara yang memiliki keunggulan bobot dan cara penyampaian. Saya anjurkan sebanyak mungkin orang – orang di negeri ini mendengarkan motivasinya”

Mahadi Sinambela (Minister of Youth & Sport 1999 – 2000)
“Only a few young people have a vision and broad knowledge, and Reza Syarief is one of them…..”

Syaiful Anwar (President Director Trijaya Network)
“One should overcome the competitive and turbulence in a life time career achievement. Reza here assists a greatway of successful landing”

Hermawan Kertajaya (President of Asia Pasific Marketing & Chairman Mark Plus)
“Bagi Reza Syarief adalah ‘Suhunya Motivasi’ di Indonesia dan karya Masterpiece dan Real Battle for Success merupakan ‘kitab sucinya’ para motivator, untuk itu anda mesti membaca 3 kali untuk mengetahui, mengerti,
sekaligus melaksanakannya”

Tung Desem Waringin (Exclusive Authorized Consultant Anthony Robbins Indonesia)
“Reza is Man and Walk and Talk, He is Dahsyat Motivator”

Mr. Soenartoto, Msc. (Director of Training Centre KIM LIPI)
“Seeing him as a trainer, he looks as if he never ran out of his energy. I always get something new every time I see him…..”

Mr. Joko Dumairi (Director of Proxima Multi Media Corp.)
“It’s a rare opportunity to find young professionals with a vision to the future, but capable to influence others without missing the spirit. One of them is Reza Syarief…..”

Yessy Gusman (artist, PT. Purnama Bara Global)
“It’s very attractive presentation and I learn much from him”.

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